Who We Are
Access Technology Solutions is a company that is privately owned and Operated by Founder Craig Schneider. Craig lost his sight in 1999 due to complications from Radiation treatments and over exposure to radon gas.
What We Do
Access Technology Solutions offers leading edge technology and sensible user friendly solutions for both counselors and end-users, who are seeking products and services for the visually impaired.
Our Mission Statement
To provide the blind and low vision individuals with state of the art computer adaptive technology systems that surpass all expectations.
Craig’s Story
Craig Schneider, formerly a General Building Contractor. In 1999, Craig found himself totally blind due to Complications from Radiation treatments and over exposure to radon gas. After overcoming the trauma of being left in total darkness, Craig ultimately accepted his plight. Blindness brought about inner visions and an elevated awareness that he had never experienced. His perception and relationships towards visual objects had dramatically changed. Craig began to realize the only way he could bring the visual world back into his life was with computer adaptive technology systems. Subsequently, Craig enrolled in computer classes. During class, Craig experienced a tremendous amount of frustration and intimidation. Craig didn’t have the computer adaptive software that he needed at home in order to read the screen. Furthermore, he observed his classmates experiencing similar problems. Craig also noticed some of the students withdrawing from classes. Consequently, he contacted State Rehabilitation and a few renowned Blind Charities. Craig was unable to find any immediate solutions to the dilemma. After volunteering over 10,000 hours of refurbishing computers, providing training, counseling, and advocacy work, Craig realized there was an urgent need for help and support among the visually impaired. Thanks to Craig, the founder of Access Technology Solutions, more visually impaired, low vision and blind people are getting the help they need.